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Automatic Publishing

Publishes messages in announcement channels

Automatic Publishing
Publishes messages in announcement channels
This module is open-source.
This module has one configuration file.
This module is being actively used on over 3.2K other servers on SCNX.
This module is included for free in every plan. Learn more about prices.


  • Automatically publish messages sent in announcement channels in your server.
  • Whitelist or blacklist channels from automatic publishing.
  • Ignore messages sent by bots (optional).


  1. Make sure the bot has the "Manage messages" and "Send message" permission on all announcement channels the bot should follow.
  2. Configure the module.
  3. Reload your configuration to apply changes.


Messages sent in eligible announcement channels (based on your configuration) will be published to all servers that follow your channel automatically. When the module publishes a message, the bot will react with a as emoji to indicate publication success. This reaction will be removed automatically after a few seconds.


Without any configuration, your bot will publish every message sent in announcement channels. Using the configuration, you can fine-tune this behavior for your use-case. Open this file in your Dashboard.

Message Publishing ModeThis will determine in which announcement channels the module should publish new messages. The following options are available:
  • all: This is the default behavior. Messages sent in all announcement channels will be published automatically.
  • whitelist: If this option is set, only messages sent in channels that are added to the "whitelist" field will be published automatically.
  • blacklist: If this option is set, only messages sent in channels that are not added to the "blacklist" field will be published automatically.
BlacklistThis will only work if you set "Message Publishing Mode" to "blacklist".
Messages sent in channels configured in this field won't be published.
WhitelistThis will only work if you set "Message Publishing Mode" to "whitelist".
Messages sent in channels configured in this field will be published automatically.
Ignore bots?If enabled, messages sent by bots won't be published automatically.


If you believe the bot is not publishing messages automatically, please make sure that

  • the current channel is added to the Whitelist field if "Message Publishing Mode" is set to whitelist in your configuration.
  • the current channel is NOT added to the Blacklist field if "Message Publishing Mode" is set to blacklist in your configuration.
  • the bot has "Send messages" and "Manage messages" permissions on the current channel.
  • the message that you want published hasn't been sent by a bot (unless you have "Ignore bots?" disabled in your configuration).
  • the message was sent in an announcement channel and hasn't been published before.
  • the number of messages sent in the announcement channel is relatively low (Discord only allows a limited number of messages to be published).